Wednesday, October 5, 2011

iPhone 4S?What the ...

Okay so everybody is disappointed with the Apple Conference when new CEO, Tim Cook announced the highly anticipated new iPhone. iPhone 4S!!! No??? What??? Say it again??? Yeah you heard it right. iPhone 4S!!! What happened to all those rumours of a new iPhone??? You can just shove it down the drain.

Personally, I thought Apple needed a boost in their business when Steve Jobs resigned as CEO recently. And all they did was released the crappy iPhone 4 upgrade. Stocks plummeted after the announcement. This is not the first impression Tim Cook needed to make his mark as the new CEO of Apple.

People were more acceptable when 3Gs was released back then. This was simply unacceptable, by Apple fans especially. I'm not an Apple fan but even I was disappointed with the news. I have a comparison for the iPhones here . You be the judge of that. Basically iPhone 4S has a dual core processor, an 8MP camera, built in assistant called SIRI and ... oh wait, that's just about it. Oh, and iPhone 4 users can upgrade to the new iOS 5 on the 12th of October. So does that make their iPhones the new iPhone 4S as well? Pfffttt...

People have been using the social medias to condemn the move by Apple. One that really caught my eye was; "iPhone 4S.. More like iPhone For Asses". Hahaha... Tell me what you think folks??? Til next time...

1 comment:

  1. Emo nye u..... LOL!! I'm still very happy with my iPhone4.. Can't wait to upgrade the OS...
