Monday, August 15, 2011

Favourite Ramadhan Foods by

With Plenty of the awesome foods of Ramadhan (and only a few hours before buka puasa), I thought a list of the most awesome Ramadhan foods out there would be great for the noobz and doodz looking to fill their tummies after a long day fasting/ or at work.

1. Nasi Dagang
Come too late to a bazaar and you’ll find that all the delicious Nasi Dagang is all gone. This dish, which mainly consists of rice cooked in coconut milk, complimented with fish curry, pickled veggies, and hard boiled eggs can be host to a variety of foods, whether it be fried chicken, Ikan Bakar, or roast beef for that matter. A must have at a Buka Puasa table.

2. Roti John
Easiest described as an omelette sandwich, Roti John stalls are often swamped. It’s no wonder too, with the bread pan-grilled with egg and topping of your choice (we like sardine, actually). Of course with the addition of sauces, Roti John is savoury, tasty, and ultimately irresistible and terbaaeeekkkkk.

3. Ikan Bakar
Ah, Ikan Bakar. The ubiquitous clouds hanging over the stall barbecue-ing this fishy delight is enough to alert you that you are in the presence of one of the treasure of the Ramadhan Bazaar. Grilled over a hot fire while wrapped in banana leaves and doused with sambal, Ikan Bakar is awesomeness at it’s finest.

4. Kuih-Muih
Assorted sweeties for the whole family, that’s what it is. There’s plenty of different types, so even the pickiest kid will definitely be satisfied. From Kuih Koci, Karipap, Kuih Lapis, Tepung Pelita, Onde-Onde, and so much more, it’s great to have something to wash down the often very rich Ramadhan foods.

5. Murtabak
Yes, I know you can get Murtabak at your local mamak store, but that doesn’t mean it’s not awesome. take a Roti, and stuff it with lots of savory meat, and you’re pretty much got a murtabak, but you’ve got to experience it for your own to know how great this dish it. Alternately, you can get the sweet cousin of the murtabak- Apam Balik.

6. Nasi Kukus with Ayam Goreng Rempah
Oh man, I can only attempt to describe this delicacy. Freshly steamed rice with pickled veggies, eaten together with none other than perfectly seasoned chicken, deep fried to golden perfection. If your mouth isn’t watering yet, I'm horrible at this writing thing.

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