Thursday, August 18, 2011

10 Greatest Superhero Movies - My Pick

With Captain America becoming the latest Marvel hero to be re-invented for the big screen, let's look at the best superhero flicks ever, but of course, it's my pick. Hehe...

Batman (1989) 
Tim Burton took a character that had become campy and put his darker, gothic spin on it. Michael Keaton made a great, quirksome Bruce Wayne and Jack Nicholson played The Joker with Over The Top relish.

V for Vendetta (2005)
Alan Moore might not have approved, but this Wachowski-produced version of the graphic novel hews close to the original storyline and features a strong look at a dystopian vision of Britain. Plus, Natalie Portman is fantastic.

Superman II (1980)
While I'd recommend the Richard Donner cut over Richard Lester's version, there's still plenty to enjoy in Lester's work. Kneel before Zod! No really - Terrence Stamp makes for a great villain.

Spider-Man (2002)
A fantastic start to a franchise that served (for two films, at least) as Sam Raimi's coronation as one of the best superhero film directors out there. This was an instant classic.

Kick Ass (2010)
Director Matthew Vaughn had to fund this adaptation of Mark Millar's violent, scathingly funny takedown of comic book tropes himself, but it paid off with a brutal, often hilarious film.

Batman Begins (2005)
No one knew what to expect when Christopher Nolan - who had never directed anything like a superhero tale before - took the reigns of the dormant Bat-franchise. The result was a winner that brought a new level of realism to Bruce Wayne's world.

Superman (1978)
Richard Donner's original still stands tall over the other Super-films. it made Christopher Reeve an icon and launched the modern era of comic book-based films.

X2 (2003)
Singer returns with an even better outing for Marvel's mutant heroes thanks to a broader canvas, a bigger budget and a more assured script. Everyone gets a standout moment and the stakes are even higher.

Spider-Man 2 (2004)
Like Singer, Sam Raimi truly blossomed after his first outing. Spider-Man 2 is the perfect balance of character and plot, tone and effects. Even the villain (Alfred Molina's Doctor Octopus) is one of the best ever - tragic and human underneath those metal arms.

The Dark Knight (2008)
Christopher Nolan perfects his take on Batman for this amazing, layered and justly acclaimed second run. Heath Ledger won a posthumous Oscar for his work as The Joker and it's not tough to see why.

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