Monday, January 3, 2011

Bandung 2011

Welcome 2011!!! A very happy new year and hoping the very best to all. A very special Happy 10th Anniversary to my sis, Kak Nana. A decade in CIMB today. Congrats!!!

The countdown has begun!!! Trip to Bandung, Indonesia is just around the corner. Another 25 days and counting. It's that time of the year where Me & my Jalan Eaton family take a flight to Indonesia for a few days off to visit our Bandung family. I just can't wait to see them again and just chilling around in Bandung. Not forgetting the lovely "sight" too.. Hehehe.. It was a great trip back in 2010. We spent 8 memorable days there. Ten of us made the trip. 
It was just A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.

This time around, it'll just be 5 days & 4 nights and just 8 of us. Not gonna do much shopping. Just want to relax my mind off work and enjoy the breezy weather there. Here's a glimpse of the great memories of Bandung 2010. I know my Jalan Eaton family can't wait to get there end of this month. Huhu.. 

*Bandung Family*

*Bandung Family again*