Monday, September 5, 2011

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir dan Batin to my family and friends. Not forgetting to all Muslims all over the world. How's your Raya been? Busy collecting money or busy eating? Okay, more like busy eating ANDlosing money. Hahaha.. Oh well, that's what the grown ups will experience everytime when it's Aidilfitri in Malaysia. We'll visit our realtives and then stuff ourselves with foods like rendang, ketupat, lontong, laksa etc. cause there's plenty of 'em. Couldn't let it waste riggghhhttt??? Haha more reason to eat eat eat!!! Then the lil' ones will queue to get the Duit Raya's.

It's fortunate that I get to spend my Raya with my loved ones this time of the year. I thank Allah S.W.T. for giving me the opportunity to experience one of the best Raya's I've had in a long long time. It's been a hectic Raya as well. Since my Mum is not feeling at her best, she decided to cook something simple; Lontong and Laksa Johor. She actually wanted to prepare Nasi Dagang, which consumes a lot of energy, time and money too. We had guests coming from all over and we also traveled to Meru, PJ, Putrajaya, Eaton etc to ber-Hari Raya. This coming week, our relatives from Singapore and Johor will be coming down to KL for Raya as well. Hope it's gonna be a great family reunion. Let me share with you some of my Hari Raya photos. Hope you all had a blistering one week of holiday and now, BACK TO WORK!!!

Here are some of the photos I snapped during Raya (1 of it is before). Enjoy!!!

*Somebody was excited with her bunga api*

*Me & my niece, Raeesa*

*My Mum's family*

*Another photo*

*My breakfast on 2nd day*

*Happy Birthday Muhammad*

*Muhammad blowing the candles*

*Muhammad posing with his father, Abang Shah*

*Kak Nana and her beloved BB*

*At my Sister's in Putrajaya*

*Baby Ashraf crawled to get his iPhone*

*Best Roti Jala in PJ*

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