Wow, it's taking me ages to even write my first day in Bandung for 2011 huh??? Apologies are in order as I've been occupied with my work lately, which isn't going on well. Too many rejected candidates. Sigh..
Ok let's move on from my work and back to Bandung. We stayed at Kampung Sumber Alam in Garut during our first night in Bandung. No, no NOT that kind of "first night". Haha.. It's time for some time in kolam air panas!!! WeEeEe.. The place was awesome and the view even better. We were surrounded by mountains. Weather was cooling too. We went for a dip during the night and the water was hot hot hot. What you expect??? It's a kolam air panas maa.. Haha..
*That's WELCOME in Sunda*
*My Sis with her BB*
*My dinner*
*They serve it during breakfast.. MmM..*
Since it was already late at night, I was only able to take photos the next day morning. So peaceful. Apologies for not owning a proper camera. Had to use my BB Torch, but im pretty happy with its photo quality. Turns out pretty well. Huhu.. Check out these photos.
After spending the night in Garut, we head back to Bandung. Oh ya.. We stopped at a chocolate shop/factory along the way. It actually sells chocolate + dodol. Weird ain't it??? But it tastes really good. It's called Chocodot (Chocolate Dodol Traditional). Not bad after all..
*Ieja in front of Chocodot*